Health & Safety Policy
light in the forest
Our Statement.
General Statement
It is the policy of All Phase Electrical to recognize our responsibilities as an employer to prevent injury and ensure a
healthy and safe working environment for all our employees.
I also accept out statutory duty to conduct our undertaking in such a way so as to ensure that persons not in our employment,
who may be affected by our working activities, are not exposed to risk to their health and safety.
Philip Marshall (Electrician/Owner) Has overall responsibility for the health, safety and welfare, and will ensure that the
policy is properly implemented, monitored and periodically reviewed, in accordance with all statutory provisions.
As an organization, I will take all reasonably practical steps to meet these responsibilities paying particular attention to
the provisions and maintenance of:
Safe place of work and access
A healthy working environment
Plant, equipment and systems of work
Safe arrangements for their use
Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
Adequate facilities for welfare at work
Protective clothing and equipment
Employee and Sub contractor Responsibilities
It is the duty of every employee or sub contractor whilst at work to:
Take care of both their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected or influenced by their
Co-operate with the organization in fulfilling our legal and moral obligations Failure to observe these duties may lead to
disciplinary actions.